Resources - Germany

1. Relevant Publications / Education Materials:

Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF):

Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) bietet auf ihrer Webseite Inforationen und Materialien zur Integration und zum Thema Radikalisierung vor.” – The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) offers information and materials on integration and the topimc of radicalization on its website.


EXIT-Deutschland ist eine der erfahrensten Einrichtungen im Bereich der Aussteigerprogramme und Radikalismusprävention.” – EXIT-Germany is one of the most experienced organizations in the field of exit programs and radicalization prevention.

Violence Prevention Network e.V.

Das Violence Prevention Network e.V. bietet Informationen und Materialien zur Gewaltprävention und Radikalisierungsprävention.” – The Violence Prevention Network e.V. offers information and materials on violence prevention and radicalization prevention.

BMI - Deradicalisation

Deradicalisation is a key component of Germany’s comprehensive approach to counter-terrorism, focusing on individuals who have already been radicalised

Radicalisation Research and Prevention in Germany - Berghof Foundation

The MOTRA research network counters violent radicalisation through phenomenon monitoring, knowledge transfer, and networking with different actors and perspectives

Stakeholders of (De-) Radicalisation in Germany

This research explores the structure of radicalisation and the stakeholders involved in the de-radicalisation process in Germany

2. Links to Other Relevant Websites / Initiatives

Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI)

Das Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat bietet Informationen und Maßnahmen zum Thema Extremismusprävention.” – The Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community offers information and measures on the topic of extremism prevention

Mobile Beratungsstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, Gewalt und Menschenfeindlichkeit (MBR)

Die Mobile Beratungsstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, Gewalt und Menschenfeindlichkeit (MBR) bietet Beratung und Unterstützung für Betroffene und Angehörige von rechtem Extremismus.” – The Mobile Counseling Center Against Right-Wing Extremism, Violence and Misanthropy (MBR) offers advice and support for victims and relatives of right-wing extremism.

Ufuq & Co.

Ufuq & Co. ist eine Initiative, die sich gegen islamistischen Extremismus engagiert.” – Ufuq & Co. is an initiative that works against Islamist extremism.

Prevention of Radicalisation in Germany - Migration and Home Affairs

This document provides guidelines for preventing and countering violent extremism and religious fundamentalism in Germany

Deradicalisation in Germany: Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism

Federal funding for counter-radicalisation programmes in Germany has increased significantly over the years, reflecting the government’s commitment to preventing and countering violent extremism

3. Links to Video Materials

Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung - bpb)

Die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb) bietet auf ihrem YouTube-Kanal Videos zum Thema Extremismus und Radikalisierung an.” – The Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) offers videos on the topic of extremism and radicalization on its YouTube channel bietet auf ihrem YouTube-Kanal Videos zu den Themen Rechtsextremismus, Antisemitismus und Rassismus.” – offers videos on the topics of right-wing extremism, anti-Semitism, and racism on its YouTube channel.)

4. Recommendations for Books & Movies

Book: "Radikalisierungs-dynamiken: Jugendliche verstehen und begleiten" by Claudia Hofmann

Dieses Buch bietet Einblicke in die Dynamiken der Radikalisierung und gibt Hilfestellungen für den Umgang mit gefährdeten Jugendlichen.” – This book offers insights into the dynamics of radicalization and provides guidance for dealing with vulnerable young people

Movie: "Die Welle" (The Wave) by Dennis Gansel (2008)

Der Film ‘Die Welle’ zeigt auf eindrucksvolle Weise, wie schnell demokratische Strukturen kippen können und Radikalisierungsprozesse entstehen.” – The movie “The Wave” impressively shows how quickly democratic structures can collapse and radicalization processes can arise.

5. Tools, Links, and Other Useful Sources

Deradicalisation Tools and Resources

These tools and resources support the education of youngsters on anti-radicalisation in Germany

Violence Prevention Network

Founded in 2004 in Berlin, Violence Prevention Network is one of Europe’s largest civil society organisations engaged in preventing and countering violent extremism. We work nationally and internationally, with over 120 practitioners, researchers and advisers in 10 regional offices across Germany and abroad. The Toolbox of the Violence Prevention Network offers a collection of materials and methods for violence prevention and radicalization prevention.

Federal Agency for Civic Education - Materials

Die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb) bietet zahlreiche Materialien zum Thema Extremismus und Radikalisierung.” – The Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) offers numerous materials on the topic of extremism and radicalization.

6. A Section on Active Communication Among Youngsters bietet Informationen und Praxisanleitungen zur Jugendsozialarbeit und zur Förderung von Partizipation und Kommunikation.” – offers information and practical guidelines for youth social work and the promotion of participation and communication.

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